(Posted May 2022)

We can’t begin to say how happy we are to be able to offer onsite classes again for CFE Prep! It is much easier for us to teach to real people, rather than to screens. For us as instructors, onsite is right. But for you, there are some things to consider when making the choice. Let’s start by saying the course material is the same whether you choose online or onsite. Having said that, there are some advantages and disadvantages:

Online learning

• You can watch when you want, but still must meet any case submission deadlines if you register for marking (so not completely flexible).

• You won’t be distracted by others in a classroom, but you may be distracted by personal interruptions and not listen fully to all the sessions.

• You can stop and pause the lecture and re-listen immediately if you need to hear something again.

• If you need to ask a question, this requires a post to the forum or an email.

• It keeps you socially distanced from other students.

Onsite learning

• If you need self-discipline to listen, attendance on set dates with others in a classroom gives you that. But we also do give you full access to the recorded material, so you can watch those at any time as well.

• You have the benefit of seeing others in the same situation as you and may feel less isolated than if you only use an online format.

• You can ask questions and receive immediate answers. Also, you hear the questions being asked by other candidates.

• If you are an experienced writer who has only done online in the past, the onsite option could help you learn more effectively.

Bottom line, there are pros and cons to both, and only you know yourself. If you struggle staying on task and are more likely to fall behind, onsite courses have an advantage.